Monday, May 30, 2016

Who IS This Uncircumcised Philistine?

And David spoke to the men that stood by him, saying, What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine, and taketh away the reproach of Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God? -- 1Sam 17:26

Today the giant is abortion and many quake in their boots for fear of standing against it. The same people who have been prolific and generous about seeking His blessings are hiding under their couches from the disrespectful, God-bashing giant of our day. History truly does repeat itself.

David was unafraid of Goliath, because he knew God would be with Him. He had been in the trenches, and he knew that God would enable him to take Goliath down. Goliath's mistake was daring to dishonor the Holy God of Heaven. David's response was exactly what it should have been, "Oh, NO, you don't!" David brought God to the fight with the intent to kill the giant, and kill the giant he did.

In my opinion the primary reason the pro life community hasn't killed the abortion giant is because we have failed to bring God to the fight with the intent of killing it. We poke at it. We try to incrementally take it down, but we fail to really war against it with all we have expecting God to destroy it for us. We're not working in Davidic faith. We're not really working in faith at all.

Part of the problem has always been that far too many professing Christians are not truly pro life. No, they're quasi-life. They have so many exceptions and so many excuses that they don't really intend for anything to happen at all. Abortion doesn't actually bother them. So, they're not really working at all. Others don't believe miracles still happen. So, they don't really want to bring the Spirit to the fight. No, they believe it's a battle to be fought without expectation of winning. So, they're never going to win. Still others are trusting in their programs or themselves . . . the point is: we're not running at the giant, expecting our weapons to bring it down.

Listen, God has not changed, and abortion has no more power than what we give to it. Seriously. God can take it down just as He took down Goliath. He's just been waiting for someone to come to the battlefield who truly believes He is able.

I am looking at a number of different ways of answering the disrespect shown our God and His word. Folks, this ad was hateful and ugly. Failing to respond is unthinkable. We need to take up the sword of the Spirit and charge it with the full intent to see it abolished. This is our God. If we'll not stand for Him, what do we stand for? Are not our claims of being His mere empty words?

Actions speak louder than words. Being silent is going to be seen as apathy at best, but He might well take it as proof we no longer truly love Him. I don't know about you, but I cannot abide even the idea that He would feel so rejected by me. I just can't. So, I'll be on the battlefield. If I have to preach it on the street corners, I'm taking this fight to them. They don't get to disrespect my God like He is nothing, not on my watch. I invite you to join me. This is as serious as it's ever going to get. This is the line. Make no mistake, the side you come down is going to matter.

All in for Him,


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