Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!!

We've had so much rain here that the yard is a swamp. Yesterday, we could not even see the driveway culvert! So, when I saw clouds approaching this morning I hurried off to the local pit as quickly as I could.

Fortunately, today was a "workers only" day. There may have been one or two clients/victims, but various signs led me to believe there could not have been more than that. So, I took authority, pleaded with God to intervene inside and left -- hoping to return later in the day.

All the way home I pled with God to hold back the storms until I could preach the word He had lain on my heart. I was on fire for Him. The Word had kindled within me and it had to come out! By the time I pulled up in the drive, I was so wrapped up in what He had shown me that I did not even notice I was being watched until my son knocked on the window. Of course that led to my needing to explain why I nearly jumped out of my skin. The good news is that the storms did hold off and I did return to preach.

Now, I never really stop to think about how it sounds or what folks might think once I start speaking. No, I'm too busy concentrating on what God has said and how He wants it delivered. I'm ALL about Him. People pass me on the sidewalk, going and coming, laughing and talking; and I just keep right on preaching. Unless I'm stopping for air, I'm not the least concerned with anything or anyone, but the Word.

So, I'm preaching, I getting into it, and I stop just momentarily to breathe, and this lovely lady is suddenly standing right there next to me smiling ever so sweetly at me. And she says, "You know they hear you in there, right? You know you're having an affect on them, right? God bless you, honey!"

I nodded and assured her I knew, but it was just the sweetest little outtake on life as a street preacher. She couldn't have been more charming or more earnest about encouraging me, and I truly appreciated her encouragement. I also couldn't help but wonder just how long the poor dear had waited on me to realize she was even there.

Anyway, I had been having some trouble with a sore throat, but it never sounds it like it when I preach. I barely have a singing voice, but I do not need an amplifier to preach. After this woman walked on, my voice rose even stronger and I continued to preach even longer in the power of the Spirit. By the time I left I knew I had given all I had to reach them. I know that God is angry enough, and has been for some time to literally take them out for shedding innocent blood. So, it's very important to me that I give everything into calling them to repentance.

None of us know when the day will dawn that will be our last. How do you want to go out? I used to think I wanted to die safe in my bed. You know what? I have know a lot of evil people who died "safe" in their beds. No, I'm a type of David. I'd rather die running at the giant with my little bag of stones. It was hot, humid and I was completely exhausted by the time I left. I felt like David must have running at Goliath. I threw every stone I had at them, and if the LORD is willing, I'll do it again tomorrow.

Folks the pro-death squad has many followers. They have enough money to build million dollar extermination pits. Word is this pit has done just that in Oklahoma. They are unafraid of the new law passing. They certainly do not fear the pro life effort. Why would they? So many only give it lip service. No, they are busily spreading death, polluting our land, and bringing the wrath of God down on our nation.

Godly pro lifers appear to be a dying breed. We labor hard, footing the bill from our own pockets, but we are the hope for this land. Consider what it will be like in this nation if abortion isn't curbed soon. Already it has brought our nation to its knees. The time to stand is now. One thing is for certain: Because we've had so little regard for the brutality shown the children, we will reap brutality. Is that really what you want? For yourselves . . . for your children . . . for your grandchildren?

I know some believe God will have mercy on them because they are "His". The truth, however, is He is going to be much harder on those claiming to be His, but doing nothing to rescue the children. Why? Because we disgrace Him, we make a mockery of the cross. We were to be His light in this darkness, not indulge the darkness.

I pray He open your eyes. I pray He soften your heart. I pray you repent.

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