Thursday, December 29, 2016

A Prolife Reality Check

So many claim they can do nothing about the children of abortion. So, I asked God what He thought about that. Here's what He said:

1. Everyone can pray for the effort (to end abortion).

2. Everyone can show up to praise, and entreat Me (God) on the children's behalf. (You don't have to be "called to that area of ministry".)

3. Anyone can hold a sign....

4. Anyone can encourage the onsite workers.

5. Anyone can speak up at their church, request that a speaker be invited, and/or suggest a worker for support (as a prolife missionary).

6. Everyone can write their congressman, senator, and/or president asking that abortion be outlawed permanently.

7. Everyone can vote prolife.

8. Everyone could fund the effort. If all "professing" prolifers/abolitionists gave just $5 a month to an active effort, things that are currently considered "impossible" would get done.

9. Everyone can and should stop being silent. Your silent inaction will not be tolerated any longer.

Hmmmm . . .

Let's be honest. Most "professing" prolifers can do at least one of the things on this list. Many can do several. It is only because all of the work, and the majority of the expense is left to a handful that abortion continues.

So, quit claiming to be prolife while doing nothing to actually save these babies. It's not like He actually believes you anyway. No, as He points out, "Anyone and Everyone can or could . . ."

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Psa 141

LORD! I cry unto Thee, make haste unto me. Give ear unto my voice when I cry unto Thee.

Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as incense; and the lifting of my hands as the evening sacrifice.

Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth. Keep the door of my lips.

Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity, and let me not eat of their dainties.

Let the righteous smite me. It shall be a kindness, and let him reprove me. It shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head -- for my prayer shall also be in their calamities. When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words for they are sweet.

Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth. But mine eyes are unto Thee, O GOD the Lord. In Thee is my trust. Leave not my soul destitute.

Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gin of the workers of iniquity. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst I withal escape. -- Psa 141

I'm seeking the Lord's healing right now, having been quite sick for over a week. There is much in the Psalms to aid in this.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Praise Him!

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness. Come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD He is God. It is He ...that hath made us, and not we ourselves. We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good. His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to ALL generations. -- Psa 100

There is much trouble in the world. Daily we face the reality of the evil amongst us. Our leaders have abandoned us. They serve themselves, and care not for our well-being. They see themselves as above the very laws they demand we obey. They have squandered our wealth and shredded our law. They have taken what we have built, what we have earned, and given it to our enemies. The veteran does not receive what he fought for. The elderly and truly needy do not receive what was held back for them. No, it is given to those who hate and desire to destroy us, because our "leaders" care for them while they disregard us -- the people they have taken an oath to serve, the people who granted their power, the people who have paid their way. There is no honor among such as these, and the horror they prepare for us is appalling.

If we focus on these giants, it is easy to forget there is a Great God in Heaven, a God who will hear our cry if we turn back to Him.

If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. -- 2 Chr 7:14

When a nation turns from the Holy God of Heaven, He gives them sorry leaders. When a people turn from holiness to sin, they are given over to the fruits of that sin. We cannot expect roses when we have planted turnips. It just does not work that way.

As a nation we allowed the Holy God of Heaven to be replaced with many false gods, the largest of these being wealth. Even now pastors seek to promote themselves, attempting to draw large crowds from which they might gain great revenue. They avoid issues that divide or cover them peripherally. And pastors are not alone.

People devote themselves to the acquisition of wealth. It is what we spend our time on. It is what concerns us the most. So much so that many kill their children in order to pursue their careers first. We are literally shedding innocent blood in order to attain the standard of living we believe God wants us to have. We use His love to justify our sin.

Now these are the three primary things that have brought the horror that we now face to our land:

abortion (the shedding of innocent blood),
idolatry (the love of wealth), and
a disrespect of the cross (using His sacrifice as an excuse for sin).

The truly sad thing is that many still see them as "non-issues". They see them so because many of our spiritual leaders have taught them so. So, the treachery of our spiritual leaders has brought us our treacherous political leaders. Yet, many still cling to their teachings.

How do we get out of this? There is only one cure: Full Repentance. It is the only way. We should be thankful that "His mercy is everlasting" and that He does "hear from heaven". We should remember:

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. -- 2 Pe 3:9

And that:

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do His commandments. His praise endureth forever. -- Psa 111:10

We need to fear Him enough to repent and return to obeying His will, because the horror we face is judgment from Him. Our willingness to commit sin upon sin, our lack of regard for His sacrifice, and the rampant shedding of innocent blood has bought us vile leaders and murderous enemy hoards. We planted evil, and evil has come up in our garden.

So, what do repentance and wise fear have to do with praise? If we fear Him enough to truly repent, then we should also realize that He deserves to be praised. So Great a King always deserves praise. Even now, we should be raising our voices in praise of Him. Even now, we should be entering His gates with thanksgiving.

We are reaping what we have sown. Should we blame Him that we did not have the sense to plant holiness? From Genesis through Revelation His word warns us not to stray from the path of righteousness. How is He to blame? No, this one's one us. We did this. We threw Him out and welcomed evil. Evil cannot begat anything but more evil. Holiness comes from God.

Worship Him this morning. Praise Him with all that you are. Weep and plead for mercy. Seek Him with all your heart. If we get serious with our commitment to Him, He will hear our cries. The "giants" will have no power over us if we are truly His. Now that is something to praise Him for, to be able to stand in the midst of a storm like this. So praise, praise the Lord!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

You Are Not Alone

I used to blame myself for everything. I worked hard, sometimes too hard, and tried to be diligent and responsible. That's not to say I was perfect. I wasn't, but I did genuinely try to do my best. I was quick to apologize, and steadfastly sought to correct my mistakes. Somehow, though, I was never good enough. I was never acceptable enough. I never met the expectations of those around me. It's no joke that some even said, "ANYONE, but her!"
Then one day I realized, it wasn't... me that was the problem. It was the hardness of other's hearts. It was about what some thought I owed them, and the selfishness of others. It was about who they were, not what I had done or how I looked or anything else that had to do with me.

You can't please those kind of people. You can't reconcile with them. You can't get low enough to placate their need for supremacy. To try to do so is to constantly see yourself as completely unworthy. Useless. Undesirable. Trash.

So, what did I do? I stopped looking at them, and walked away from them, emotionally. I started looking at and living for Christ alone. I started seeing myself beloved in His eyes. I started dwelling on what it took for Him to sacrifice Himself for me.

The hurt went away. The guilt went away. My frown became a smile and my agony, joy.

The evil seeks to tear us down and he will use anyone and anything to do it, but God seeks to elevate us. The evil one is downtrodden. So, he does not want you lifted on angel wings. God is on high, and He desires to bring us to Him. One is a destroyer, a bringer of death. The other the Giver of Life.

Are you alone? Are you downtrodden? Does your heart ache? Do you feel useless, unwanted . . . disposable? Christ took the nails in His hands and feet to prove how very much He loves and desires you. He was spat on and defiled, because you mean that much to Him. Mankind can be heartless and cruel, but God is merciful and loving. So, don't look at man. Look at God.

You are not alone. You are loved. You are not useless. God has a place for all of us. You are not garbage. You were made for a reason. You have a purpose. Fulfill your purpose, and God will fill your life. Focus on Him and you will not have time to be lonely, or sad, or discouraged. There is much to do, and few to do it.

The evil one can pull us down if we let him. I have been there more than I care to admit. The only way I survived was to look full on at Him, to worship and adore Him, to obey and serve Him, and to push away from all the sorrow the evil one laid at my feet. In immersing myself in Him, I would look up and find myself surrounded by angels. Now, the only thing "special" about me is God in me. So, that means if you do the same -- immerse yourself in Him -- you will find you aren't really alone, either.