Sunday, January 29, 2017

Under Attack?

Many are under attack, and some are genuinely surprised that this is so. What about judgment is it that we just don't understand? Millions of babies are dead, largely because those who claim to be His would do nothing to save them. Most have more faith that God will bless them financially than that He will punish them for ignoring His laws. We are awash with those who believe sin is not an issue.

The hedge of protection has been removed. The evil one runs freely here and there, afflicting everyone in his path. That's what it means to be in judgment. Have I not been preaching that it was coming?

God is merciful, but He is no one's fool. There is a limit. We passed it when we elected a man who promised to fix some of the physical things; rather than, one who was devoted to Him. Now, we get to pay for that.

Repent. Seek Him and repent. There may yet be some mercy for us if we sincerely repent, and seek Him with great diligence; but you will have to get off your recliner and go to work. Do the job you were called to. Otherwise, wake up and smell the coffee. You would not have His corrective discipline. So, now we will see His wrath.

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