Saturday, January 7, 2017

From Last January: 1

As I continue to seek healing, I'm going to be sharing some of last year's facebook posts. I don't think many of them made it to the blog. I was too busy running for the LORD. So, I'll share them now. I pray they bless you.

Out preaching and pleading at the pit again this afternoon. I thought about not going because the weather is so nasty. Then I remembered the angel who used to w...hisper in my ear, "Go!" (Truly, I long to meet this one face to face. The urgency and tenderness in his voice really motivated me.) So, I gathered up my Bible and hurried off.

(Why do I refuse to believe that God has grown silent? Because He would have had to change to do so.

For I am the LORD, I change not . . . -- Mal 3:6)

Is there plenty in the Bible to encourage us to go if He isn't speaking personally to us? Yes. Yes, there absolutely is. There is an admonition not to shed innocent blood (Exo 23:7), a formula for blessings (Deu 19:10) that requires that we take action to prevent the shedding of innocent blood, plus an assurance that God Himself considers it abomination (Pro 6:16-17; but Ezekiel 35:6 actually puts the nail in that coffin:

Therefore, as I live, said the Lord GOD, I will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee; sith thou hast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee.

Now, if you think about it, it isn't hard to see how our nation is steadily being prepared for slaughter. God doesn't kid around about things like this. He said, "No!" And He meant it. We have millions of little baby lives to make up for. Millions. As I tell the butchers at the pit, "We've planted bloodshed. So, bloodshed is what we will reap." What the believers need to realize is that judgment begins with us.

Our lack of regard for the children has been epic. I'm not sure we could have looked the other way any harder. And God is sorely disappointed in us -- more us than them, even, because we knew the truth.

Brothers and Sisters, if I plead with you too much to become active regarding the children it is because I see the danger. His approaching wrath is apparent to me. God has not grown silent. No, He speaks. We just haven't been listening. Like teenagers with earbuds, we are too caught up in the world. Like an angry Father, He is about to switch us severely. Take the warning. It is a lot less painful in the long run.

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