Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Slavery and Abortion: The Elite's Way Limiting "the Lesser Man"

Basically. abortion is slavery's replacement.

There has long been a desire by the "elite" to control what they consider the lesser of men. It wasn't just race that motivated them, either. It was anyone that could be forced into it. The Irish slave was actually treated worse than the black, but the Native American suffered far more greatly than either.

When these things became illegal, then another solution was sought. Abortion was seen as the perfect alternative. The "undesirables" could be limited and controlled by eradicating them in womb. Of course, they had to first make it sound like "a good thing". So, they sold sex as an absolute necessity. "One will have sex, but one need not be a parent."

Sex became a god, and the children have been dying by the millions ever since.

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