Thursday, April 27, 2017

ALL God's Children Matter

Heartbreaking experience on the way home from the pit today.

A middle-aged, black woman was begging on the streets. I was in a hurry, but the LORD showed me her heart and I just could not drive on by.

She looked up and saw me, then turned her face downwards -- clearly thinking I wouldn't care at all about her. Her whole demeanor was that of someone who had been kicked all her life.

So, I stopped traffic, dug through my purse, and pulled out some cash. When I rolled down the window, I let His love flow through me as I handed her what I had. "God bless you, honey," I said.

There we were both in tears. Me, that she would be so certain she wouldn't matter to me; and her, because she realized she does matter to people like me.

My prayer is that by His grace she'll realize skin is not the measuring stick some claim it is, and that the Great God of Heaven loves ALL His children.

Thank YOU, LORD, for allowing me to be YOU to this dear sister!

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