Monday, November 7, 2016

This Morning's Prayer

Lead us to repentance, Lord, that we might be delivered from those who plot wickedly against us. Have mercy, for we have been blinded by greed and selfishness. We do not see that our own actions have brought us to the brink of destruction. We believe it is "someone else's fault". We trust in a decision we made, mere words we uttered; rather than, a fully formed relationship we've sought with You. Our priorities are foolish, and our hearts are hard. We do not seek You with earnest to know our sin that we might turn from it. We have convinced ourselves that we are innocent. Though our land is awash in innocent blood, we do not accept that we are responsible for letting that blood be spilled. Even at this late hour, their deaths do not grieve us enough to motivate us out of our comfort zone. We expect You to deliver us while we continue to choose our sin. We expect You to have mercy even though we have none for those being slaughtered.

Take away our blind leaders, Father. Abolish those who preach lies to our destruction. Take away their place for the people follow them thinking they are following You. Like vipers they have made a nest, prospering on with richness of their lies. They do not take up the case of the fatherless, Lord. No, they are much too concerned with their own comfort. Worse, they teach that only a few should regard these little ones, leading others astray. Tear away their comfort, Lord. Rebuke them in their wicked ways for they have brought Your wrath upon us.

As it was when You came, Lord, it is now. There are few who teach the truth, few who truly love You, but many who love to use You for their enrichment. As in Jeremiah's day, we are brought down by a priesthood of unbelievers!

Consider, Lord, that You listened to Abraham when he pled for Lot's life. Though You destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah -- all those wicked cities -- You did provide a place for Lot and his family. Truly, You led them away from the destruction, and they survived. Look over this land now, Lord, I plead. Are there not some Lot's among us? Do we not plead Your case? Do we not suffer all kinds of injustice to bring forth Your truth? Are we not fighting for the children's lives, and pleading with the errant? Yes, some do it for show, but surely, Lord, some do it for You. Some love You with a great passion, Lord. To some You are everything.
We are a weak and helpless kind. Our bodies are frail little things, literally dust in the wind, but, You, LORD, are the incredibly great ALMIGHTY. Nothing stands in Your way. No one escapes You, and no one defies You. Help us, LORD. Take pity on us for we are to be pitied.

I do not ask that you save this nation as a whole. No, LORD, for I know our sins are too great, but perhaps, LORD, Thou would consider saving a remnant -- not because we deserve it, for surely we do not; but because You love us. We are the errant children who must be punished to be turned, but do not completely remove us, LORD. In Your mercy lead some to safety like Lot.

Whatever Thy will, O LORD, Thou art truly deserving of all praise and adoration, and I will praise You. You are my Master, and I love You with all that I am. Hear my cry, for I weep for this people. They do not know what they do. The blind lead them, and they follow willingly. Are they not to be pitied? Surely You have had great mercy on us already. You have had exceedingly great mercy on me, letting the word You gave me prosper in other's hearts. Still, permit me to ask for mercy for this people, LORD. Where they are repentant, where they seek You in truth, where they work to Your glory, please, have mercy.

May my feet be swift to please You in all that You call me to, and may Your praise never be far from my heart, but keep me close to You like the child I am that I might not stray from You will in any fashion. In Yeshua's name I ask it all. Amen and amen.

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