Thursday, February 16, 2017

It's a Lack of Faith

Do you stand against an entire movement based solely on their failure to get everything right? Do you bash innocent people merely because of the group they identify with? No?

Such is the attitude of some in the "Abolitionist" movement. They attempt to hijack the term "pro-life", treating it as a blight on society, because some failed to be 100% prolife without exceptions.
So, all the babies saved, all the mothers helped, all repentant clinic workers/abortionists should do w...hat? Rue the day those loathsome creatures (pro-lifers) were there for them? Really?

Some say Christians are the only ones who will eat their own. From where I'm sitting that sounds about right. You're feasting on those you should be working with. You're creating divisions, unnecessary ones, and making the devil proud.

Come against the failing. Come against the mistakes. Plead with them. If they don't listen, then pray for them. To attack them as though every single one of them failed to do anything worthy is ridiculous! Yes, we must be prolife without exception, but you better remember this:

Too few come to the pits to plead for lives as it is. It is difficult, dangerous, and frequently thankless work. Thousands of hours and great sacrifice go into it. Most who work do so out of their own pockets, against the wishes of family members, and under constant opposition from authorities. Do you really want to make it harder? Do you really think it good to make them feel less appreciated? Can you be at every clinic, everyday yourself?

Stand for the truth. I'll applaud you for that, but stop kicking the workers. Offer an olive branch instead. Most pro-lifers I know are against exceptions, they just need leaders who believe it's possible. Now, there's your real problem, because far too many leaders never honestly believed God was capable of ending this nightmare. That's why they were willing to settle for less in the first place.

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