Friday, April 5, 2013

God is Eternal

Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
   You established the earth, and it endures.
Your laws endure to this day, for ALL THINGS serve You. Psa 119:89-91

Man is a flight of fancy. His life is fleeting, but God endures forever. Wisdom requires that we seek God if for no other reason than because He is eternal while we are not. When man says, "There is no God", he ignores the evidence and deludes himself. Even the tiny cell screams intelligent design.

What foolishness brings man to ignore the truth? Pride. We want to make the rules, not follow them. Yet, man cannot -- without using what God has already made -- create even a single grain of sand. In fact, man cannot create period without using what God has already made.

I used to love to watch Star Trek, but one of the things that always annoyed me was the way they liked to portray God. To them He was this big, blowhard who liked to manipulate and abuse the less intelligent hoards. The shows were carefully crafted to provide the crew with a way to get around Him or away from Him, but imagination does not compare with reality. Their portrayal of "god" was not honest or realistic, because true supremacy means just that -- one that can't be surpassed.

Another area where man willfully deludes himself is evolution. The idea that man evolved from nothing isn't scientific in nature; but rather, a pristine example of the acceptance of the repetitive assertions of those lauded by men as making a falsehood into a truth. There's no scientific basis for the theory. It is simply the accepted opinion of some in high positions forced upon those who know no better.

In evolution's early days those promoting it would occasionally admit that their sole reason for doing so was a  desire to escape the confines of God. Simply put: they wanted to sin and not be called to account for it. Moral living was cramping their "style". Yet, Darwin went the way of man while God remains.

Another thing that has always amazed me is the idea that railing against an undefeatable foe of such eternal proportions was noble or even remotely wise. I mean, if supreme, wouldn't capitulation be wisdom itself? Seems folly to me to fight against One who can end one eternally and infinitely wiser to seek Him out with respect instead.

Fortunately for man God is not the abusive blowhard some credit Him as being. He honors the true seeker by revealing Himself and His great love. He didn't create us to be separated from us or to exploit us. No, Genesis tells how man separated himself from God by choice. Man wanted to be equal to God -- wait a minute -- isn't that the problem we have today? Sure it is. And, today, just like in Adam's day, God is not to be toyed with. He remains both Supreme and Eternal -- best we get in line with that thinking.

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