Thursday, July 21, 2016

I Trust in God

I trust in GOD -- the holy, completely Supreme "I AM" of the Bible. I know He is able for He has delivered me countless times. The devil has roared at me with all that he has, but God has kept me through it all. I've been told many times that others would have just given up, because the road has been long and very hard. But I knew God would come through, so I just continued on. I trusted in Him.

I do not trust in a term -- like Abolitionist, pro life, Republican, or Democrat. They are all just terms, dependent on the person who shoulders them.

I do not trust in man -- like Trump, Cruz, or Hillary. They are just people. Any value they have would come from God Himself. If they do not follow Him, following them can only lead to trouble.

I do not trust in groups -- like Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, OSA, or OR. They are only led by men. If those leaders are evil, then trouble will follow.

I do not trust in myself. I am small and weak. I know not the way without His Spirit. If He does not lead me, trouble will find me. 

I trust in God. He is my LORD. I follow Him. He knows the way. He sees my weakness and gives me His strength. He sees my fear and gives me His courage. He sees my tears and gives me His joy.

This is not my home. I am a stranger here. The natives love darkness. I am meant for the light. I tarry here while He prepares me a place. One day I will go home: no more to fear, no more to weep, no more of this darkness. 

Until then, I will serve Him with all that I am. I will not give in to the darkness. I will not give in to the fear. I will not let my tears make me grow silent or ineffective.

No, I will tell you the truth. I will shout it to the world. I will repeat it in the darkness. I will stand amidst the storm. God meant for us to be His light in this darkness, not partner with it. So, I will shine His light, and I will not compromise His truth. You may not like it. You may not agree with me, but I will not surrender. I will not go silently.

God is still GOD. The truth is still true. Good does not partner with evil. Light cannot accept darkness without becoming darkness itself. The hardest part of any battle is right before things turn. When it seems impossible, when it looks like all is lost; that is when we show who we really belong to. Either we will cling to Him or we will flee into the darkness. Many are running scared. Some have fallen on their swords. Others have just given up. 

The devil says we must take him or risk everything, and many believe him. It isn't true, but many just don't believe God is still in control. So, they will partner with darkness, deliberately. Like so many accepted abortion as a "necessary evil", people will choose what they know to be evil, because they do not truly believe God able. They will abuse those who do not join with them. The crowd will be with them, and they will think they have won, but the devil is a liar. Great trouble will follow.

God is able. He has not changed. He has not weakened. All giants fall before Him. Only what He wills is certain. 

As a nation we would have not Him. So, He has given us nothing but evil leaders. We partner with them to our destruction. We will not escape God. It isn't possible. Therefore, though in the natural world it looks like all is lost by standing with God, it is by God we must stand. That is the ONLY victorious choice we have. All others will lead to even more trouble. That is all they can lead to.

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