Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Be Who God Wants You to Be

In the past I have posted things that are pointedly against some of today's popular leaders. Some thought me "mean", others considered me "hard-hearted", and still others "divisive" or "self-serving". However, there has been a real purpose to my pointing out the problems with current day leadership, and -- believe it or not -- it actually has nothing to do with me. It has to do with the way so many view themselves and how God would love to change that misconception. It about changing the status quo to God's glory.


The point to my complaints against the leaders of our day is that God uses lay people. We have been taught that He prefers the well-educated, denominationally correct, gender specific, etc.; but look at who Christ actually called. He called the fishermen, and the tax-collector. He could have called the Pharisees, but He chose ordinary men. Why? 

Ordinary men tend to know they are ordinary. They aren't looking to themselves to solve the world's problems. If they belong to God, they are looking to God. The Pharisees were looking to themselves. And guess what, so are many of the approved leaders of our day. The Pharisees had no idea how to live by faith. Neither do many of today's leaders.

Brothers and Sisters, the point is that Goliath was felled by a lowly little shepherd boy who had enough faith to believe God and act on it. We need to step into the shoes of David, Peter, etc. We need to stop trusting in human leaders to do the work that desperately needs to be done -- removing our many Goliath's -- and start acting like we know God can work with nothing. We need to remember that everything that is was made by Him from nothing. Therefore, He can take us and make us into Davids, Peters, etc.

It isn't about tearing down the respected leaders of this day. It is about calling out those willing to be used by God despite their own inabilities, etc. I believe God searches for those who will stand like David -- not in their own strength or ability, but in completely dependent faith. I believe He searches and rejoices every time one steps forward. Because, Brothers and Sisters, God is not glorified by the proud, accomplished man who sees himself as someone God's lucky to have. No, God is glorified in the humble, little nobody who sees God as completely willing and able to do everything He says He will.

I don't care how many followers a person has or how famous they are. They are less than nothing if they have forgotten that we are here to glorify and serve Him, not draw attention to ourselves. We didn't save anybody. We couldn't ever save anyone. We are the redeemed, and we are so because He loved us enough to take our well-deserved punishment on His sinless self. He doesn't need us. He isn't blessed by our showy accomplishments. No. Like the Pharisees we have it backwards. No matter how high up on the food-chain we are, our value isn't in us, it is in Him -- and we don't even have that if He isn't the very breath of our lungs and blood of our veins. I'm just saying, Brothers and Sisters, if it isn't about Him, it isn't worth doing.

So, let us set aside the earthly encumbrances that tell us we can't or shouldn't because we aren't "qualified" or "approved", and run the race like Paul -- knowing that our God -- our wonderful, incredibly able, merciful Creator -- is perfectly willing and able to take our frailties and fell every Goliath in our path and make us true fishers of men to His great glory.

Praise God! I tell you the truth, Brothers and Sisters, He is just waiting on us to take hold of this truth and break out in real, mountain-moving faith. Ask Him today. Present yourself to Him today. Say to Him, "Here am I, Father. Send me where You will. Lead me where You would have me go. Take over my life and use me to Your glory." I promise you -- if you are sincere, you will not be disappointed. No, this is where real blessings lie, dear Brothers and Sisters. This is where ordinary becomes extraordinary as God reveals that He is neither silent nor disinterested nor in any way removed from His children. No, this is where we find out how truly awesome our God really is.

I pray some of you will do this today. I pray some of you grab for that joy He holds out to us. I plead with you to consider His nature. Is He not faithful? Is He not true to His word? Yes! Yes, He is. From the beginning to this very day His has proven Himself, repeatedly, to be the great "I AM"! Therefore our success is not limited by His ability; but rather, our willingness to submit to His Supremacy over us -- meaning that the more willing we are to be changed into a "David" the more we will be changed.

So, do not look at yourselves, dear Brothers and Sisters, thinking "I don't have the skills" or "I do not have the training", etc.; but rather look to God and consider that He is able. And do not think that you have no value -- because you know all your faults -- but remember that Peter denied Christ three times, yet Christ still raised him to lead many to salvation. We are not what our earthly leaders say we are nor are we what we think we are. We are what we are willing to let God make of us. Therefore, there stands among us those who could bring down the walls of Jericho, those who could bring plagues upon Pharaoh, those who could slay all our Goliaths -- Brothers and Sisters, the possibilities are endless because the ability of God knows no bounds! Except, of course, the limits put on Him by the failing faith of those who should be living by faith.

Do not be deceived, Brothers and Sisters, the power of God exists in EVERY obedient believer for we are nether abandoned by God to the rulers of this earthly existence nor beyond His ability to deliver. No, we are MORE than conquerors in Christ (Rom 8:37), if indeed, we are truly His.

God's peace,


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