Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Need to Share Christ

Christians are commanded to share the gospel. Christ died so that we might be reconciled to God. To not share this truth is to say we do not value that sacrifice. Eternity is forever. How have I helped anyone if I feed them for a day, but ignore their eternal destination? As Christians we certainly do care about the day to day needs of others, but we are compelled to also reach out to their souls. Hell is real. We are not talking about just the absence of God, but serious eternal punishment. Many who do not believe think that the absence of God would be nothing of consequence. What they fail to realize is that God blesses everyone in this life. Think about it. It doesn't just rain on the saved. The sun doesn't just rise on the saved. The absence of God equates to total depravity, then add punishment for rejecting the offer of His Son as your atonement. To ask a Christians to keep Christ to him/herself is to ask that they cease to be Christian. Because to be Christian is to be so completely moved by God's effort to save you -- knowing how utterly sinful and useless you are without Him -- that we cannot keep such good news to ourselves. That is what the gospel is -- the good news of God's great love for us who no more deserve it than a slug deserves to wear diamonds.

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