Thursday, June 6, 2013

More From "The Air of Heaven"

Were It Not For You
by Betty Baker Bailey

Where would I be, Jehovah,
Were it not for You?
Forget returning to the sod,
Oblivion would have to do.

You are the God who made us all.
None fathom Your true worth.
You love the meek and keep the small
Who gather at Your hearth.

Where would I be, Holy Spirit,
Were it not for You?
Falling fast into the pit
As the blind are sure to do.

You are the God who lets us know
The true depth of Your love.
And when we are too full of woe
You touch us from above.

Where would I be, Loving Savior,
Were it not for You?
Lost outside forgiveness’ door,
Adrift without a clue.

You are the Lord who came and died
To save us from our sin.
Though some prefer this fact denied,
You are the gate that we must go in.

I praise You, Father, and choose You, God;
The One I want to please.
And ask that You, by Your sweet grace,
Answer quick my bended knees.

I thank You, Spirit, for Your touch.
I weep at Your embrace.
You keep me from the winding way;
My focus on His face.

I thank You, Yeshuah. You are Lord
And lover of my soul.
In Your steps I follow close,
Obedience my goal.

I will praise You in the morning
And worship You at night.
For You alone are worthy.
No one can match Your might.

I stand in awe before Your throne.
I worship and I bow.
For You alone are God of all,
Past, present, and the now!

I thank You through quiet tears.
Your presence is so great
My being trembles to be near
The One who wholly sates.

Help me as I worship You
With what I have to give
For what is life if we don’t serve
The One who made us live?


  1. Praise the Lord!! Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful poem... makes me want to worship our God and Savior Jesus Christ all the more!!
